
易美教育 Easymay










  • 6年宾大招生办副主任工作经验;

  • 曾任宾大信息中心副总监;

  • 曾任布朗大学招生评估员;

  • 曾参与管理宾大研究生申请系统,审阅招生系统周报与月报;

  • 曾参与设计并创建近20个线上硕士项目


Why are you applying to graduate school?


易美教育的宾大前招生官芬顿先生举了几个例子:“Why are you applying to graduate school?Is it for career advancement? For example, you know you'll need an advanced degree to move up in your chosing career, or perhaps you are required to have a higher degree for certain positions in your current company? Is it for career choice? Perhaps most positions in the field you would like to enter require an advanced degree. Or is it for educational opportunity? Is it maybe a chance to study more specific topic than what you studied in your undergraduate school? Or it isn't an opportunity to do research or continues doing a topic that you began studying during your undergraduate education? Maybe you have an interest in an area that you didn't get to explore during undergrad. Perhaps you have difficulty settling on a career or job that you want to do after graduation. Maybe you detest the subject that you majored in and wanna finally explore your passion now that you finished that undergraduate degree, or perhaps you literally have no idea what to do with your life. While all these may seem like relevant reasons to apply to grad school. I believe the last one is that you don't know what to do after college is probably the least effective reason.”




Where are you applying to graduate school?


易美教育的宾大前招生官芬顿先生建议我们多多综合考察其他方面的因素,他进一步解释道:“Once you've figured out why it is your plan to grad school, perhaps you should look at where you are going to apply to graduate school. What is your program that you're going to specifically attend? Is it 1 year and exam based? Or is it 2 years? And ultimately thesis based? Is that a 2 year thesis based program can often be a great introduction to ultimately applying for and completing a doctorate? Other things to consider when you're applying to grad school and try to figure what schools you will actually apply to the location. This can be very important. Are you looking at an urban school? Or are you looking for something in a rural area? In addition to thinking about that specific program or programs that you were applying to, we also like to think about the type of size of the institution that you would be going to and attending. Taking into account the signs of the overall student population can be very important in the opportunities that you ultimately have when you are at the institution. You might want to get up to outside the classroom. Do you plan to be active in student organizations? Do you plan to be active in any service organizations at the university or in the community at large? While the program itself will ultimately be the most important factor, all these other factors can definitely impact the type of experience that you will have when you are in graduate school.”



What programs will you consider for graduate school?

在易美教育的宾大前招生官芬顿先生看来,所有的研究生项目都可以分成三个类别:冲刺学校,目标学校,保底学校或者安全学校,冲刺学校一般是前30的学校,然后目标学校是30-50名的学校,保底学校是50-75名的学校,这个是他基于US NEWS排名来划分的大概分类。申请多少学校取决于学生,但是他建议不管申请多少学校,这三个分类里面最好都能选择其中一所。当然很多学生对于保底学校都嗤之以鼻,

易美教育的宾大前招生官芬顿先生也非常能够理解,他换了一个角度解释道:“If you believe that you might need to compromise, what you can think about which areas you believe are most important to you outside of the specific program. Begin to revisit those, we think about if there's a 1 or a 2 year program, think about the location. We also think about the size, the climate and the outside the classroom experience. Many of these things may ultimately leave you with a better overall experience at a probable or quote unquote, safety school. Then if you went to a reach school that does not meet the rest of the criteria. Ultimately, it is up to you in terms of how many schools you would like to apply to, and how many in each of those categories. But it is specifically something that you should very much take into consideration. One other thing to note is that if the program you are planning to apply to is very research heavy, then it may be a good idea to have a relatively heavy research background. ”









